• 'श्रीअवधूतचिंतन' हि अतिशय क्वचित घडणारी घटना होती. अतिशय विलक्षण, अद्भुत आणि मनोहारी असे ह्याचे स्वरूप होते.

  • ईशद् पृथ्क्कारीका अर्थात सर्व इष्ट करणारी चाळणी.

  • ह्या श्री द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग कैलाशभद्राचे पहिले पूजन अरुंधती मातेने सगळ्यात पहिल्यांदा केले. अगस्त्य ऋषींनी ज्या प्रथम स्त्रीला उपदेश केला, ती अरुंधती माता व तिला शिवोपासना करण्यास सांगितले

  • विश्वनाथ व रामेश्वर ही दोन्ही ईश्वराची अर्थात शिवाचीच रूपे आहेत. विश्वनाथ प्रतिपाळ करणारा, तर रामेश्वर शत्रूंचा नाश करणारा. अशा ह्या विश्वनाथ व रामेश्वर ह्या दोघांची ही यात्रा आहे.

  • दत्तात्रेय अवधूताचे २४ गुरु ही ह्या विश्वातील २४ तत्त्वे आहेत. ह्या महाविष्णूची, परमशिवाची, सद्गुरुतत्त्वाची कृपा मनुष्याला प्राप्त करून देणारे २४ चॅनेल्स आहेत.


Monday 21 August 2017


Niyati Chakra Parivartan Pradakshina

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Every person is entangled in the circle of destiny. Every man has a different destiny. It is connected to his body’s aura. As every person has his own destiny, his entire family too has their own destiny. The Chawl or society where he resides, also has its own destiny. The village in which this Chawl or the society is situated, has a separate destiny. The state in which is the village is located, has its own destiny. Yet, one’s own destiny is considered to be the most powerful one. For example, a bus meets with an accident where everyone in the bus dies, except one man. This means that the bus was to meet with an accident, according to its destiny. However, it was not time for that man to face death as per his destiny.

I alone have the responsibility, strength, competence, capability of bringing about a change in my Niyati Chakra(the circle of my own destiny). I can definitely change my destiny and the existing circumstances around me. I can fight my Niyati Chakra(circle of destiny) but only if I have immense faith in my God. The strength to change this circle of destiny was provided to me through this circumambulation (Pradakshina). That is why it is referred to as the ‘Niyati Chakra Parivartan Pradakshina’.

We have performed the upasana, pujan and nididhyasan(consistent yearning) of the 24 Gurus selected by Avadhoot Dattatreya in this circumambulation. The 24 Gurus of Avadhoot Dattatreya are nothing but the 24 principles of this Universe which serve as the 24 channels that provide man with the MahaVishnu’s, Param Shiva’s and Sadguru’s grace. However,  these 24 principles tie you down to your destiny and the illusion, trap you in ignorance, make you fall prey to sins, shadripu(the six enemies of man) and they overwhelm you with sorrow. Nevertheless, once you complete the ‘ Dhanya-dhanya(blessed) Pradakshina’, these 24 principles no longer push us towards ignorance,  shove sorrow our way, cause our downfall or cause anguish. Instead, they provide us with peace, satisfaction and happiness. Datta, meaning the one who gives, one who keeps on giving, one who will keep on giving, the one who will always give. We should strive to gain devotion towards this Guru. Once this devotion flourishes in one's mind,  the 24 principles then bring us happiness, peace, satisfaction and content. Initially, they make us weak, but once the Guru’s principles ascend into our lives, they provide us with strength.

Scientific researchers experiment with the bacterium that causes diseases,  the 'Salmonella Typhi' that causes Typhoid or the Polio Virus that causes Polio.  These bacteria or viruses are then injected into the human body due to which one does not get infected by these diseases. This is known as disease preventing vaccination. The same principle applies here. The 24 principles that lead to the downfall of man, the detrimental principles are transformed through a specific process, the ‘Datta Prakriya(process)’  via these channels through these  24 processes. These are known as vaccines and the place where these are injected is the ‘Dhanya-dhanya(blessed) Pradakshina’ or the Extraordinary Pradakshina  or the Niyati Chakra Parivartan Pradakshina.

Due to this Pradakshina, the upasna, worship and Nididhyasa(consistent yearning) of 24 principles, the disease causing pathogen, bacteria was converted into a vaccine. This means that whatever caused the disease transformed into something that prevents the disease. This concludes that the channel which exists is only one, but if used in the opposite direction, becomes beneficial and remedial due to the Pradakshina, instead of being harmful and detrimental. Everything in this world has good and bad qualities. We should learn to accept the good and discard the bad. That would essentially mean that we should learn how to free our body, mind, soul, intellect and our entire life from disease, regret and sorrow. Thus, the path to it is addressed as the Pradakshina of 24 principles which is nothing but the Niyati Chakra Parivartan Pradakshina.

This Pradakshina consists of 3 parts:

1)      Nivrutta Shurpa Dvaar(door) and Pruthakkarika Dvaar

2)      Ishadpruthakkarika

3)      24 Gurus of Dattatreya Avadhoot

The consistent study, , reading and contemplation of these three parts and continually attempting to bring about a change in our mind and intellect accordingly, was all one part of this Pradakshina. Whereas, performing the ‘Dhanya-dhanya Pradakshina‘ as many times as possible, worshipping the representations of the 24 principles of the Guru, making a journey with the body, mind, intellect and soul through the extraordinary path of the ‘Dhanya-dhanya Pradakshina’, is its second.

A distinctive feature of this Pradakshina's route is that the body of every person performing this Pradakshina(circumambulation), moves in such a way that the line and direction of each person's vertebral movement formed the figure of ॐ (Om). This would mean that while performing this Niyati Chakra Parivartan Pradakshina, everyone, with their own hard work and utmost efforts and with the 24 Guru Tatvas bearing witness to it, was forming the ॐ which was the crux of this Pradakshina.

The flower petals, leaves of Bel(tree) and other leaves provided in the Soop(Indian traditional device used for winnowing) were to be offered to the representations of the 24 Guru Tatvas. The prayer, worship and Nididhyas(consistent yearning) of the representations of the 24 Guru Tatvas were to be carried out while performing the Pradakshina itself. Subsequently, due to the 24 Guru Tatvas, the 24 channels of shraddhavaans would receive the opportunity to seek the blessings of the representations of the 24 Guru Tatvas.

After the worship of all of the 24 Guru Tatvas, Prokshan(cleansing performed by sprinkling liquid) was performed with Panchamrut(offering consisting of 5 ingredients) on the image of Dattatreya Avadhoot. The padukas of Dattayreya Avadhoot were placed before this extremely beautiful image. The Prokshan was performed over these padukas with the Palasha Kaashtha(tree stems used as sacrificial firewood) that were placed close to it.

Thereafter, an exit was to be made from the 'Pruthakkarika' door by taking along the remaining sticks and gravel present in the Soop. After making the exit from the Pruthakkarika door, Shraddhavans were supposed to empty all the remaining sticks and gravel in Param Pujya Aniruddha Bapu's 'Ishad Pruthakkarika' sieve which is a benefit offering sieve. All the sticks and gravel present in the Soop were to be given off to him with complete faith and resolute sentiment. This would enable the shraddhavan to find a way to change his Niyati Chakra(circle of destiny).


अवधूत चिंतन उत्सव

'गोड तुझे रूप, गोड तुझे नाम' हे शब्द माझ्या मनात ज्याच्याशी निगडीत आहेत, तो माझा दत्तात्रेय व जे दत्तात्रेयाचे रूप आणि नाम माझ्या आंतरबाह्य जो प्रेमगंधाचा मोगरा फुलविते आणि बहरायी आणते, ते रूप म्हणजे अवधूत, नाम अनसुयानंदन आणि तो सुगंध, मला सदैव मोहविणारा सुगंध म्हणजेच त्याचा आशीर्वाद - अवधूतचिंतन श्रीगुरुदेवदत्त. - अनिरुद्ध