• 'श्रीअवधूतचिंतन' हि अतिशय क्वचित घडणारी घटना होती. अतिशय विलक्षण, अद्भुत आणि मनोहारी असे ह्याचे स्वरूप होते.

  • ईशद् पृथ्क्कारीका अर्थात सर्व इष्ट करणारी चाळणी.

  • ह्या श्री द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग कैलाशभद्राचे पहिले पूजन अरुंधती मातेने सगळ्यात पहिल्यांदा केले. अगस्त्य ऋषींनी ज्या प्रथम स्त्रीला उपदेश केला, ती अरुंधती माता व तिला शिवोपासना करण्यास सांगितले

  • विश्वनाथ व रामेश्वर ही दोन्ही ईश्वराची अर्थात शिवाचीच रूपे आहेत. विश्वनाथ प्रतिपाळ करणारा, तर रामेश्वर शत्रूंचा नाश करणारा. अशा ह्या विश्वनाथ व रामेश्वर ह्या दोघांची ही यात्रा आहे.

  • दत्तात्रेय अवधूताचे २४ गुरु ही ह्या विश्वातील २४ तत्त्वे आहेत. ह्या महाविष्णूची, परमशिवाची, सद्गुरुतत्त्वाची कृपा मनुष्याला प्राप्त करून देणारे २४ चॅनेल्स आहेत.


Monday 21 August 2017


Shree Avadhoot Chintan

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'Shree Avadhoot Chintan’ wasn't something which would keep repeating itself. It was something which was formed at a specific time, when a specific number of japas were completed and not just that but, the one who loves us unconditionally, our Aniruddha had made it available for us. As if He had disclosed the entire treasure in front of us. We should have happiness in our life, we should have peace in our life, I and my family members should always be good, we shouldn't have a sorrow in our life, and we should not have any obstacle, who doesn’t feel the same? The truth is just to achieve these things we are striving in our lives. But which good things to pick up and which bad things to scrap is what we can't figure out. Reality is what we run behind considering it to be good is actually bad, and we don't even realize when we scraped off the good. And the entire life we are just exhausted. We simply wander from one God to another God. We don't settle down to one Guru, one God and one granth. This shouldn't happen, hence that loving mother like Sadguru, that big merciful cloud - Bapu, has put before us the indescribable treasure of ‘Shree Avadhoot Chintan’. Loot as much as u can and take it along, this is what he was saying. Then why should we become useless? Literally, whenever, how much ever was accumulated by anyone, he looted and took it along. Our Aniruddha today, with a clear throat is giving us an assurance that, “Give me all your bad, I am ready to take the burden of your sins on my head, I will do whatever required to make your life gold, wash clothes, fill water for you”. This means here through the medium of Shree Avadhoot Chintan, he is ready to take all our inabilities.
Literally, will anyone do so much for someone else? Our biological mother, father... will ever do this much for us? Then why is he doing it? Actually, why does he have such affection for us? Why does he love us so much that for this love he can go to any threshold, just to keep us happy? Sadgururaaya, really, how much you do for us? Then why should we stay behind? No Bapuraaya. We will love u, trust u that whatever happens, maybe it be floods or it's raining, may it be sunny day or it may be cold, or maybe there's fire or smoke all around; but we just have one person, our Aniruddha.

Granth, Guru and everything else is just one single entity

Aniruddha Aniruddha Aniruddha


अवधूत चिंतन उत्सव

'गोड तुझे रूप, गोड तुझे नाम' हे शब्द माझ्या मनात ज्याच्याशी निगडीत आहेत, तो माझा दत्तात्रेय व जे दत्तात्रेयाचे रूप आणि नाम माझ्या आंतरबाह्य जो प्रेमगंधाचा मोगरा फुलविते आणि बहरायी आणते, ते रूप म्हणजे अवधूत, नाम अनसुयानंदन आणि तो सुगंध, मला सदैव मोहविणारा सुगंध म्हणजेच त्याचा आशीर्वाद - अवधूतचिंतन श्रीगुरुदेवदत्त. - अनिरुद्ध